Welcome to Sonar Tori College Of Education, Run by Andulia Tagore's Society

After a long period of waiting, atlast we reach our goal by establishing our college “Sonar Tori College Of Education”. This college symbolize our great expectation through the students. Our dreams come true in the year 2011.Teacher Education is the most important and also very essential education for our society. Our institution is offering all the opportunities and necessities such as library, laboratory, lecture hall, good number of teaching and non teaching staff, proper sitting arrangement, computer rooms and so on , to develop all teaching learning skills which are essential for the profession, because in our complex society the word ‘profession’ has a very elastic definition to suit the different people. Now a days teaching is not only a profession but also a holy mission. Our institution is hearty engaged in that mission. We the members of Sonar Tori College Of Education heartly invite all the interested students and also the teachers (who have not gone through the B.Ed curriculum yet) to develop and furnishes their teaching ability for their professional benefits and also for the improvement of the society.